Operational Excellence Micro-credential Program

An important element of becoming a high performing organization is being able to remove barriers to improve performance. 

One of these barriers is behaviors within an organizational culture which encompasses the philosophy of “that’s the way we’ve always done it”. To get better, we need to do something different. Many times, this culture of “the way we’ve always done it” blocks any positive changes that are suggested. There are four different elements that organizational culture exhibits that correlates to the four-box change matrix which includes the negatives of not changing, the positives of not changing, the negatives of change, and the positives of change. 

The first of these elements is the willingness to change which is driven by the negatives of not changing. The second element is the benefits of change which is driven by the positives of change. The third element is barriers to change which is driven by the risk associated with the proposed change. The fourth and final element is the likelihood of relapse where the focus is to make the change the new normal.

Culture is the biggest contributor to the current mindset. To get breakthrough performance, we need to change that mindset and be able to look at the organization from different perspectives. The five Operational excellence micro-credential topics are designed to challenge your current mindset and provide insight into looking at the organization differently. 

To foster mindset change, a necessary condition is that leadership’s alignment is committed to improving the overall organizational performance. Leadership needs to direct the action to focus on what should be done and to not focus on what shouldn’t be done.   

One of the critical roles leadership has is to be mindful leaders. This means identifying short-term actions that translate into long-term successes, which includes satisfying the customers, creating a secure environment for the employees, and improving the performance of the organization. 

These modules assist individuals to look at things from a different perspective, foster mindset change, and give leadership the tools to be mindful leaders, all of which improves overall organizational performance.

Learning Series Information

Below are the micro-credentials included in this program.

Industry Expert & Content Writer