
This certificate program will introduce and support learners interested in learning about the history, community, interface, security and safety of airports and airlines. Individuals will also explore airport maintenance and equipment operations, as well as explain navigational aids and radio procedures, air terminal development and operations and special aviation events. They will also learn about environment programs and aviation fueling practices, as well as airport planning, marketing, and accounting essentials.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this program, learners should be ale to:

  • Examine the history, community, interface, security and safety of airports and airlines.

  • Describe airport maintenance and equipment operations, including emergency planning and airport rescue and firefighting.

  • Evaluate navigational aids and radio procedures, air terminal development and operations and airport aprons and special aviation events.

  • Describe airport noise, environment programs, and aviation fueling practices

  • Outline airport planning, marketing, and accounting essentials

Additional Information

At the end of this Certificate program, learners will be awarded with a digital badge and certificate of completion from Sault College.


This certificate program includes the following modules:


Would Recommend!

Sarah Wert

This online certificate program was educational and easy to navigate and complete. I would recommend this program to anyone!