Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this bundle, learners should be able to:

  • Identify communities and relevant treaties within your local area, and craft a territorial acknowledgment.

  • Develop a respectful and customized communication approach with Indigenous rights-holders.

  • Support greater awareness and success for Indigenous youth in forest sector career pathways.

  • Develop, implement, and evaluate Indigenous employment and training strategies.

  • Establish an Indigenous Relations training program for your organization.

Micro-credential Bundle Includes:

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.

Content Contributors & Partners

Project Learning Tree Canada

Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is a bilingual charity committed to fostering inclusive environmental education and growing a diverse and resilient Green Jobs workforce, using trees and forests as windows on the world. Our environmental education and professional development services, which include high-value work experiences and an industry-leading mentorship program, support youth across Canada on their green career pathways, including those in rural, Indigenous and urban communities. PLT Canada is an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).