Free Mini-Course: Introduction to Computers in the Workplace
This free 30-minute course is for individuals who are new to using computers in the workplace.
Here are some of the highlights for this course.
No admission requirements, no application process, no pre-requisites, open to anyone
Learn at your own pace using a computer, tablet or smartphone
Take up to 30 days to complete the course
Before we begin...
Welcome and Course Information
Course Navigation
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 1: What is a computer?
Lesson 1: Desktop Versus Laptop - Getting to Know Computers and Laptops
Lesson 1: Functions of a computer
Lesson 1: Knowledge Check # 1
Lesson 1: What is a hard drive?
Lesson 1: What is the cloud?
Lesson 1: What is a USB Flash drive?
Lesson 1: Different Operating Systems (OS)
Lesson 1: Windows Features
Lesson 1: Knowledge Check # 2
Lesson 1: Basic icons - Customize Basic Icons
Lesson 1: Names and functions of peripheral equipment
Lesson 1: What is a computer server / network?
Lesson 1: Summary
Lesson 1: Quiz
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Before you go...